illustration of cybersecurity for credit unions

Strengthening cybersecurity for credit unions

July 16, 20246 min read

Credit unions, like all financial institutions, hold a wealth of sensitive information, making them prime targets for cybercriminals. With the increasing digitization of financial services, credit unions must prioritize cybersecurity to protect their members' data and maintain their trust. This blog explores the cybersecurity challenges faced by credit unions, the limitations of traditional security measures, and how NVIS AI's advanced solutions can help mitigate these risks.

The Cybersecurity landscape for credit unions

High-value targets

Credit unions manage both financial information and personal identifying information (PII) of their members. This dual-value data makes them attractive targets for cybercriminals. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, financial services firms are 300 times more likely to be targeted by cyberattacks, with the average breach costing $5.9 million. Additionally, financial organizations accounted for 18.2% of breaches in 2024, as reported by IBM’s X-Force Threat Intelligence Index.

Six major cybersecurity challenges for credit unions

1. Insufficient and outdated technology

Many credit unions operate with limited budgets and resources, leading to reliance on outdated technology. This can include unpatched software systems and inadequate email security, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks.

2. Strained workforce

The cybersecurity skills gap affects all sectors, but smaller institutions like credit unions feel the strain more acutely. Overworked and under-resourced cybersecurity teams struggle to keep up with the growing threat landscape. Nearly half of financial institution executives report that security operations are more difficult now than they were two years ago.

3. Incident response and regulatory reporting

Credit unions must adhere to strict regulatory requirements. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) mandates that all federally insured credit unions report cyber incidents within 72 hours. Maintaining compliance while managing incident response can be challenging without sufficient resources.

4. Managing cyber insurance requirements

Cyber insurance is essential for transferring risk, but premiums are increasing alongside requirements. Credit unions need to implement comprehensive security measures, including access management and incident response, to qualify for coverage.

5. The risk of ransomware

Ransomware attacks are a persistent threat. In December 2023, over 60 credit unions were targeted due to a known vulnerability. The average ransom demand in the financial sector was $900,000, underscoring the severe financial and reputational damage these attacks can inflict.

6. Supply chain risks

Credit unions often rely on multiple vendors and third-party service providers, expanding their attack surface. Cybercriminals exploit these connections to launch sophisticated attacks, making supply chain security a critical concern.

Mitigating cybersecurity risks: Best practices for credit unions

To address these challenges, credit unions need a holistic approach to cybersecurity. This includes adopting best practices and leveraging advanced technologies to enhance their security posture.

Continuous security awareness training

Regular, customizable training programs help staff recognize and respond to cybersecurity threats. By fostering a culture of security awareness, credit unions can reduce the risk of human error, which is often a significant factor in security breaches.

24/7 monitoring and threat detection

Continuous monitoring of network activity is crucial for early detection of potential threats. Advanced threat detection solutions can identify and respond to anomalies in real-time, minimizing the impact of cyber incidents.

Implementing access controls

Granular access controls ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data. By applying the principle of least privilege, credit unions can limit the potential damage from compromised accounts.

Robust network security

A comprehensive network security strategy includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols. Regular vulnerability assessments and patch management are essential to protect against emerging threats.

Compliance and regulatory adherence

Staying up-to-date with regulatory requirements is vital for maintaining compliance. Credit unions should regularly review and update their security policies to align with the latest regulations and industry standards.

The Limitations of traditional security measures

While traditional security measures like VPNs and RDPs have been widely used, they have significant limitations that can leave credit unions vulnerable.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs create a secure tunnel for data transmission, but they are not foolproof. Performance issues, all-or-nothing access, and complex management make VPNs less suitable for today’s dynamic threat landscape. Additionally, VPNs can expose entire networks to attacks if a single user's credentials are compromised.

Remote desktop protocol (RDP)

RDP allows users to access their work computers remotely but can introduce security risks. Open RDP ports and weak passwords are common vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit. Furthermore, RDP can be bandwidth-intensive and prone to latency issues, affecting user experience.

NVIS AI: Enhancing secure remote access with Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

To overcome the limitations of traditional security measures, credit unions can implement NVIS AI’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution. NVIS AI provides a robust, scalable, and secure remote access framework designed to meet the unique needs of financial institutions.

Key features of NVIS AI’s ZTNA solution

  1. Zero Trust framework: NVIS AI’s solution operates on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” Continuous validation of users and devices ensures that only authorized personnel can access specific resources.

  2. Granular access control: Unlike VPNs, which grant broad access, ZTNA provides precise control over who can access what, significantly reducing the attack surface.

  3. AI-Driven threat detection: NVIS AI leverages artificial intelligence to monitor network activity in real-time, detecting and responding to threats proactively.

  4. Seamless integration: NVIS AI’s solution integrates smoothly with existing IT infrastructures, simplifying deployment and management.

  5. Enhanced user experience: By minimizing latency and bandwidth issues, NVIS AI ensures a smooth and efficient remote access experience for users.

Implementing NVIS AI for secure remote access

Adopting NVIS AI’s solutions for secure remote access involves several steps:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current remote access infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

  2. Planning: Develop a detailed implementation plan, including access policies, user roles, and security requirements.

  3. Deployment: Roll out NVIS AI’s solution across your organization, ensuring seamless integration with existing security tools and platforms.

  4. Training: Provide training for IT staff and end-users to ensure they understand how to use NVIS AI’s solution effectively and securely.

  5. Monitoring and optimization: Continuously monitor the system for potential threats and optimize security settings as needed to maintain robust protection.


Credit unions face unique cybersecurity challenges that require a comprehensive and proactive approach. While traditional security measures like VPNs and RDP have their place, they are no longer sufficient to address the evolving threat landscape. NVIS AI’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution offers a more secure, efficient, and scalable alternative, helping credit unions protect sensitive member data, comply with regulatory requirements, and maintain their reputation.

By implementing NVIS AI’s advanced security solutions, credit unions can enhance their cybersecurity posture, reduce the risk of data breaches, and ensure secure remote access for their employees. In an age where cyber threats are ever-present, investing in robust security measures is not just a necessity but a strategic imperative for the continued success and trustworthiness of credit unions.

Learn more about how NVIS AI's solutions can transform your cybersecurity, schedule a demo or contact our team of experts today.

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ceo @ nvis ai

Kyle Aquino

ceo @ nvis ai

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